Sunday, February 8, 2009

Coffee With Belgian Poet Guido Vermeulen

Belgian Poet Guido Vermeulen

It's few poets who can compose in three languages, but Belgian bard Guido (that's pronounced "HEE-doe") Vermeulen is one: he can versify equally well in his native Flemish as well as French and English. Today I had coffee with him. What did we discuss? Affairs of state? The state of poetry? No, his recently dumped girlfriend and potential new acquisition. What better subject to talk about on a grey Brussels Saturday afternoon? In a Portuguese resto, with EuroSport flashing ski jumping from somewhere white and bright on the flatscreen? Much better than inching along Wilshire Boulevard toward the Beverly Center, I assure you! Check out Guido's blog here.

1 comment:

  1. Great David,
    I'll forward this link to Colomba, so she'll know I mean business.
    Problem 1: she does not understand English!
    Problem 2: if I connect again she'll think there is no break up!!
    Ah, there are no easy going solutions in life, how sad (hear me laughing from Brussels to Amsterdam).
